Electric Toothbrush Care And Storage

Brushing one's teeth is a vital daily task for maintaining personal oral hygiene and efficiently removing plaque. These recommendations will help you maintain your manual or electric toothbrush clean and safe to use. Proper toothbrush care and maintenance are also vital factors for good oral hygiene. Follow these instructions to reduce the risk of using a mouldy electric toothbrush while you clean your teeth.

1. After every use, you should thoroughly rinse it off.

The objective here is to remove as many of the particles that were deposited on account of brushing as is humanly possible. If there are no particles present, there will be no food sources for mould growth. In addition to this, it helps prevent the development of particles.

2. Shake It.

After thoroughly washing it, give it a few sharp taps against the side of the sink to remove as much water as possible from it. The next step is to obtain a rag and clean the body itself. You want to get rid of as much water as possible from the brush head, and you also want to prevent any water from getting into the base of the brush.

If no moisture is present, there is a far lower likelihood that mould will form. The optimal method entails separating the head from the brush's body when it is not in use; however, this must be done while ensuring that the bristles are stored upright. This additional step helps prevent water from dripping down onto the base of the container.

3. Perform a thorough cleaning once a week.

We don't usually give much thought to cleaning the equipment responsible for keeping our teeth clean, but we should! Particularly electric toothbrushes, which typically have replacement parts that can last for years. Take the head off your reliable tooth scrubber, and then soak it in a solution including white vinegar for at least half an hour or overnight. After the soak, give it a good scrubbing and properly rinse it.

This protects against mould. Additionally, it inhibits the growth of fungi and has some antimicrobial properties. After that, you can also soak it in mouthwash if you want to kill any remaining bacteria.

4. Replace the head on time.

It is suggested to change the head of the toothbrush every three to four months; however, the more frequently you do it, the better. After some time, the bristles will become misshapen, reducing their efficiency and making them more prone to retaining water. Mould spores live in hope anywhere there is trapped water.


Tips for the Oral-B Electric Toothbrush

Utilising high-quality dental equipment, such as an Oral-B electric toothbrush, is absolutely necessary if you want to take excellent care of your teeth. The following are some suggestions for maintaining your Oral-B electric brush:

  • You should replace the brush head on your Oral-B electric toothbrush every three months or when the blue indicator bristles fade halfway to white, whichever comes first. You should also replace the brush head sooner if you observe fraying. The old brush head can be removed from the handle by pulling it straight off, and the new brush head can be attached to the handle similarly.
  • If you have never used an electric toothbrush before, it is important to fully charge the battery of your Oral-B toothbrush before using it for the first time. This process might take up to 16 hours.
  • After the handle of your electric toothbrush has been fully charged, continue using it normally until there is no more charge. After that, give it a full charge once more rather than charging it between each use. Because of this, your battery will continue to operate at its peak performance for much longer.
  • It is essential to keep your toothbrush clean, but you should also routinely wipe down your charger with a moist towel after unplugging it.


Storage Tips For A Cleaner Toothbrush

After using your toothbrush, you must ensure that it is kept upright, away from the bathroom, and in an area with adequate ventilation. If you wish to cover your toothbrush, you must first ensure that it is fully dry. If it is still damp, you are providing a favourable environment for the growth of bacteria.

If you want to prevent bacteria from forming on the head of your electric toothbrush, you can also store it in a solution that consists of hydrogen peroxide and water. If you go ahead and choose to implement this strategy, you will be required to replace the hydrogen peroxide solution on a daily basis.

Suppose you share a bathroom with other people, even members of your own family. In that case, it is crucial to remember that each electric toothbrush should be stored in its own individual storage container to prevent the spread of bacteria from one toothbrush to another. Be sure to keep toothbrushes at a distance of at least a couple of inches from one another when storing them.

To avoid getting bacteria on them, you should keep your electric toothbrushes as far away from the toilet as you can go, preferably in a locked medicine cabinet.

Remember to clean the holder for the brushes as well. Because it is very simple for bacteria to go from your electric toothbrushes to the storage containers and coverings, you should also ensure that you clean such items once every two weeks. They may be effectively kept clean and free of bacteria by using a solution that consists of hydrogen peroxide and water.


Keeping Those Pearly Whites Mould-Free

Dental hygiene is of the utmost significance in ensuring that our teeth remain pristine and maintain good oral health. Plus, that pleasantly mentholated and clean breath! When mould, on the other hand, is present, it kind of cancels out the positive effects of being healthy.

Your efforts to preserve those pearly whites in tip-top shape won't be in vain if you steer clear of electric toothbrushes that have developed mould over time. The fact that it won't gross you out is another significant advantage. Make certain that your preferred brush head for cleaning your teeth is risk-free and prepared for use by eliminating as many opportunities for mould growth as you can.

LiveCoco sells both bamboo toothbrushes and electric toothbrush heads. Both can be returned to us for recycling, so unlike non-recyclable alternatives, neither option will cause plastic or waste to wind up in landfills or the ocean.