Will You Be Joining Unblocktober?
This month, we’re committing to reducing the amount of plastic entering our rivers, seas and waters by making small changes to our day to day lives and being mindful of how we dispose of things. Unblocktober is the world’s first month-long national campaign and awareness month to improve the health of our drains, sewers, watercourses and seas - driven completely by the British public. Approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic find their way into our waterways every year! This is a lot of plastic, but we can all do our bit and help to reduce that number.
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Lots of common plastic items are flushed down the drain, one of which is dental floss!
If you floss, why not switch to a plastic-free version? Ours is vegan, cruelty-free and works exactly like standard floss, except it’s eco-friendly.

Do you know what fatbergs are? This is the accumulation of oil, grease, plastic and food waste which are causing huge blockages in drains and sewers, causing them to work less effectively than they should eventually even potentially spilling into our rivers and seas - into which approximately 8 million pieces of plastic find their way every day.

Did you know that most wet wipes are over 90% plastic and that they take over 500 years to break down? It’s almost as bad as putting a plastic bag down the toilet! The plastics that get flushed can impact marine life, the water pollution levels and our sewage systems. Choose something more sustainable such as a flannel or cloth which can be reused time and time again.

So, will you be joining us for Unblocktober 2020?
You can find a full list of items to avoid flushing here.